This is the perfect course if people are feeling a little lost and shut down, and even if they're not. This will be an in-heartening, transformational exploration of the deeply mystical teachings of Yoga. This is not an asana class, it's an inner pilgrimage for participants
Encinitas, CA, June 11, 2015 (Newswire.com) - The Secret Power of Yoga with Joy Devi, The Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca, June 18th and 19th, 10:45-12:15, 1:45-5:15 Register Now
Nischala Joy Devi imparts her heart-centered intuitive interpretation of the Yoga Sutras from her book – The Secret Power of Yoga.
I love this interpretation to the Yoga Sutras. From what I understand this book is the only one translated from a female POV which is so interesting in itself. I especially liked how the yamas & the niyamas are interpreted in such a way that they hold you to a higher standard. I recently gave a talk on the yamas at the yoga studio where I teach... I referred to this book and found the discussion very rich & engaging. I really liked how at the end of each yama & niyama section there was a list of little acts you could do on any given day to practice this way of being. Practicing yoga while not doing poses!
~Denise, Book review on Goodreads
The Yoga Sutras, considered to be a direct transmission from the Vijnana or Universal Wisdom, is one of the most revered texts of yoga and is thought to be more than 2,500 years old, These “threads” on yoga or union, are extremely terse, stating concisely and often precisely, essential points or techniques to achieving self-realization. Originally these teachings were passed on in the ancient oral traditions, intimately shared from teacher to student. Even today almost every translation of the Sutras includes pages and pages of master commentary deemed useful to impart the correct teachings, methods and sacred wisdom necessary to achieve Yoga.
In this workshop Nischala Joy Devi will impart her heart-centered intuitive interpretation of the Yoga Sutras from her book – The Secret Power of Yoga. Nischala Joy Devi’s is a divinely feminine perspective of the Yoga Sutras which offers students an opportunity to partake in the unfathomable sense of peace, emotional and spiritual enlightenment that is everyone's birthright.
The Soul of Yoga Website for more workshops, yoga teacher trainings, and classes.