Father of mind/body/spirit, Dr. Emmett Miller is coming out of retirement for a very special weekend retreat. With him is Bhava Ram, former war correspondent, and stage 4 cancer survivor. The lucky seekers will learn from a living master Dr. Miller. This path of self directed biological transformation mind-body-spirit healing wholeness retreat will be like none other to be a part of.
Encinitas, CA, July 29, 2015 (Newswire.com)
From Stress & Anxiety to Power & Peace ~ The Path of Self Directed Biological Transformation A Mind-Body-Spirit Healing & Wholeness Retreat with Dr. Emmet Miller and Bhava Ram, September 5th and 6th, 2015 at Carlsbad by the Sea Resort, Ca $350, act now and save $100, registered by August 20th $250
*Lodging not included, click here for discounted rooms!
Participants will experience the essence of mind/body/spirit medicine for healing, wholeness and peak performance in all aspects of their lives with two of the top experts in the field. This retreat will be experiential and intentional, and guided by each participants true wisdom, and evolving with their own powerful self-guided imagery. More in depth details of what will be experienced and what participants will leave with.
"Since cofounding the fields of Holistic and Mind/Body Medicine... Dr. Miller's contributions to the healing arts and to education have been legend."
Anees Sheikh, Ph.D. , Professor, Marquette University
An Opportunity To Meet A Living Master
Dr. Emmett Miller is the father of mind/body/spirit medicine in America, and a pioneer of consciousness and human healing who – more than four decades ago – began merging the ancient wisdom of the east with modern technologies of the west, bringing forth a holistic approach to healing, personal empowerment and peak performance.
He has worked, taught and collaborated with renowned luminaries of our times, including spiritual teacher Ram Dass, philosopher Alan Watts, anthropologist Gregory Bateson, and the founder of the Esalen Institute – Richard Price.
Dr. Miller is also a colleague of vedic healer Bhava Ram, and a board member of Bhava Ram’s Warriors for Healing Foundation. Together, they will be leading a transformative Mind-Body-Spirit Healing & Wholeness Retreat: From Stress and Anxiety to Power and Peace.
During this transformative weekend, participants will experience powerful techniques for positively altering your inner chemistry, accessing the deeper spiritual wisdom within you, charting a new course in your life, and moving towards manifesting your fullest potential.
Something For The Entire Family
This is an ideal retreat for families…as the seeker can enjoy the retreat while the family enjoys the great outdoors with beach escapes, nature hikes, or adventures to LegoLand… all less than a mile away. The Soul of Yoga has a special discount on the rooms at Carlsbad by the Sea Resort.
This weekend is a journey that participants will remember for the rest of their lives!
The Daily Activities Include: Wisdom Heart Felt Informative Lecture, Yoga, Live Music, Dynamic Guided Meditation, Movement, Healing, Community and much more…..
Participants will leave with a full understanding and tools for accessing the transpersonal and using it to create healing and desired physical and spiritual change. Participants will learn ways to continuously empower themselves, and know how to tap into their full potential, and learn how to stay inspired.
Dr. Emmett Miller is a preeminent pioneer of Mind-Body Medicine in America, whose work has guided Olympic and professional athletes, business executives, and professional performers. A graduate of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Dr. Miller has helped major medical universities, including University of California and Stanford Medical School, embrace healing through guided imagery and greater self-awareness.
His innovative thinking has led to the development of new approaches and techniques of Integrative Medicine, psychotherapy, wellness, stress management, psychoneuroimmunology, meditation, and guided imagery for optimal health and performance.
His CDs on guided imagery for healing are in daily use at Kaiser Hospitals and the Mayo Clinic, and his work is included in university courses across the nation.
Abolish Anxiety video (Preview 1: What is Anxiety? Heart-to-Heart Talk) - Dr. Emmett Miller
Bhava Ram is a former network news war correspondent who healed from a broken back, failed surgery, stage four cancer and traumatic stress through the deeper sciences of yoga. He is the founder of Warriors for Healing, a foundation dedicated to serving victims of traumatic stress, and serves on faculty with Yoga journal and Kripalu, where he teaches self-directed biological transformation. Ram is the author of books on Yoga and Ayurveda, and lectures to executive and medical groups nationally.