Discovering Purpose And Celebrating Winter Solstice | San Diego/Encinitas

Soul of Yoga is offering a unique way to celebrate the Winter Solstice for participants as they will experience the balance of White tantra and Tantric Kundalini yoga.

Winter Solstice Kundalini Workshop and White Tantra Experience with Mahanraj Kaur, Mahanraj Singh, Guru Kirin and Damian Rose, December 20th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm, $35, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, CA, 760-943-7685. More information:

In Olden Times, every Winter Solstice, all tribes would join together on a flat place to worship and celebrate the Unknown."  ~Yogi Bhajan

"Revolve your life around summer and winter solstice and everything will be taken care of."

Yogi Bhajan, Brought Kundalini Yoga To The West in 1968

The beautiful depth of the Winter Solstice is nudging closer, and beckons to go deep. It is time to release the old and bring forth the light within. It is the shortest day of the year, yet it holds the energy of many gifts. This an opportunity for participants to experience and illuminate to the highest destiny and unfold during this experiential Kundalini workshop.

During the winter solstice the sun hugs closer to the horizon than at any other time during the year, giving way to the least amount of daylight annually. On the bright side, the day after the winter solstice marks the beginning of lengthening days leading up to the summer solstice.

The winter solstice is a poignant time to stop and listen, to harmonize the energy and reassess the connection to spirit and life’s purpose. It is a powerful time of re-birth and transformation to acknowledge the shadow, heal  wounds, release old thought patterns and align with the  light to illuminate to participants highest destiny.

Winter Solstice is an opportunity to come together with the community in celebration of hope, peace and the rebirth of light.

At this workshop participants will:

  • Receive the Winter Solstice Activation through deep light infused Kriyas, Meditations and Mantras
  • Yogi Bhajan Video Viewing
  • Experience the balance of White Tantra and Trantic Kundalini Yoga
  • Group and Individual Intention Setting
  • Creation of a Human Mandala for Peace on Planet Earth
  • Damian Rose from Liquid Bells, Sacred Sound Healing Gong and Tibetan Bowls
  • Sacred Tea Ceremony

"White Tantra is the science of unison which brings us from many to oneness of mind. It clears the consciousness—the blocks of the subconscious mind. It brings out the garbage and makes the individual free of the block." ~Yogi Bhajan
