Participants will learn how to go from meltdown to bliss and totally activate the truest power of love, and become a Tantric Therapy Love Coach. The Aquarian Age is about co-evolution, from power over, to shared power, moving from the 3rd dimension to mastering all ten dimensions. Tantric Therapy focuses on individual healing.
Encinitas, CA, July 16, 2015 ( - Tantric Therapy Training Certification Program, Part 2 (Part 1 or 2 can be taken in any order, you do NOT need to have taken Part 1 to enjoy Part 2) with Guru Kirin Khalsa, Lead Trainer and Mahanraj Kaur Support Trainer, Soul of Yoga, 627 Encinitas Boulevard, Encinitas, Ca, 760-943-7685, Friday through Sunday, July 17, 18 and 19, $350 Sign Up Now!
The Aquarian Age is about co-evolution, from power over, to shared power, moving from the 3rd dimension to mastering all ten dimensions.
"By loving another human being and by merging your identity you will learn to merge your individual identity into the total cosmos…"
Yogi Bhajan, Brought Kundalini Yoga to the US
In Tantric Therapy I we focused on individual healing. In part two we will be focusing on the healing power of relationships. We have three levels of consciousness, individual, group and cosmic.
Part 1 or 2 can be taken in any order, participants do NOT need to have taken Part 1 to enjoy Part 2.
Participants will learn to uplift all their relationships from the confinement of the finite into the freedom of the infinite through specific practices. They will learn techniques to move into the infinity of divinity with their own selves and to guide others on this elevated path.
This is the activation of the divine feminine and the divine masculine which will guide the way to knowing the true self as gods and goddesses visiting planet earth. They will be anchoring in the touchstone of healing for themselves, for others and for the planet for the actualization of the Aquarian Age.
What will participants get from the training?
- Participants will learn: How to be a Love Coach for heart centered relationships including
- Conscious Heart Centered Communication for win/win in all relationships
- The numerology of relationships, understanding & working together with soul, karma, gift, path and destiny numbers
- The path of tantra for sacred relationships, (understanding white, pink & red tantra)
What kind of experiences/exercises will participants do in the training?
- White tantric kundalini heart opening & partner exercises
- Ajna chakra Activation to stabilize divine identity
- Balancing of the tattvas and the gunas, (elements and qualities in every body)
Exercises and mantras to Activate the Sutras of the Aquarian Age for divine tantric relationships:
- Recognize the other person is you
- There is a way through every block
- When time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off
- Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times
- Vibrate the cosmos; The cosmos shall clear the path