When the new year pops up every year, it can be easy to slip right back into old patterns no matter how everyone sets the goals to change that. The opposite of depression is not happiness but VITALITY - learn ways to access greater vitality in life. For emotional sobriety in so many areas of life, this retreat helps pave the way for a new path. This is the opportunity to pick , and stick with, a new direction. To connect, heal, transform, and get to the understanding of life, and it's purpose.
Encinitas, CA, December 8, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Your Soul Center Presents Yoga of Recovery Weekend Retreat with Durga Leela, January 15th through January 17th with Durga Leela, Carlsbad by the Sea Resort, Carlsbad, Ca, $350. Enroll now for the opportunity to make 2016 the year of transformation and change.
How many of us has said "this year will be different," only to slip back into those old patterns. Then the personal self-destructive behaviors can then spiral into a worse sate of depression or addictions. This retreat is for those who are successful on the outside but feel disconnected on the inside, come relax, heal and transform. The retreat shows how to live in reverence, respect and remembrance of your spiritual nature on a daily basis.
"This is a brilliant way to accelerate recovery!"
Has anyone ever said "they just seem to have an addictive personality?” – many have, and although that does not lead everyone to search out the nearest rehab – indeed most notice the addictive cycles around many things other than, or along with drugs and alcohol. Whether participants are in recovery, or would just like a new perspective on how to really grow rather than slipping and sliding on their own best intentions, this retreat workshop will offer new tools for self-understanding and care. Durga will offer the best in behavioral health care from both Yoga and Ayurveda. Durga, founder of YOR, will help us understand how to take the energy we use up maintaining, justifying and wrestling with those addictive personalities and transform them to deepen the understanding of each participants life, embodied self and purpose.
For more about Durga, and her unique qualifications check out her website. www.yogaofrecovery.com
This course gives 18 hours of CEU credits as well. Find Out About Easy and Affordable Payment Options Call – Dawn, Program Specialist at 760.271.7001 or Sundara@soulofyoga.com.