Category: Personal Growth

Every year there is a buzz about beginning to live the lives people want to live. To Become independent, confident, healthy, prosperous, and to support others to be on this path too. Becoming a yoga teacher does this, and more. Yet there are so many yoga teacher trainings out there this is the school that supports students before, during, and after. The school that blends the science, the spirituality, and students can teach right after graduation.
As everyone starts out the new year, one thing that we all agree on is changing the stress level felt, and finding more time for relaxation. Why is it so hard to find time to relax, to de-stress, to feel we are worth taking the time to do it? Guru Rattana will be teaching a powerful workshop on reclaiming balance and peace again and show participants how to stimulate and nurture themselves.
So many people are fascinated by Ancient Egypt, and the fact that it holds some of the greatest keys to the understanding and development of the mystical traditions of the world. Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis are now teaching about the all the mystery around this intriguing subject. Clairvoyant auric demonstrations are part of this event as well.
Some folks are finding that year after year New Years Eve has become more off center, and just not what they are looking for any longer. After a year of meditation, yoga, and mindfulness, a more conscious bringing in of the New Year is what is wanted. The Soul of Yoga is planning just that!

Everyone has been surfing a giant wave and it's time to bring home the New Energies for 2016 as the wave crests! What Guru Kirin and Wahe Guru Kaur are bringing in is: Love of self, love for others, connection with universal love, compassion and oneness with each participants divine soul! participants should come with the intentions they wish to achieve in 2016.

The new year brings up so much for so many folks, and the Akashic Records can be a great support. The long shrouded mystery of the infinite resource of the Akashic Records is now available for all to access to heal, uplift, and enrich their lives on every level. It helps folks in their home, with themselves, with business, and more.